Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
50, 2, pp. 441-453, Warsaw 2012
and Applied Mechanics
50, 2, pp. 441-453, Warsaw 2012
Nonlinear vibration analysis of a fixed-fixed beam under oscillating axial load and vibrating magnetic field
The nonlinear vibration behavior of a fixed-fixed beam under oscillating axial load and vibrating magnetic field is investigated in the present study. The transverse magnetic force, transverse magnetic couple, axial force, uniform translation spring force, transverse surface force and the damper are considered in the system. Hamilton's principle is adopted to derive the equation of motion of the beam system under certain hypotheses, and then Galerkin's method is utilized to obtain the solution of the system. It can be concluded from the present study that under stable situations, the more the transverse magnetic field increases, the more the displacement and natural frequency of the beam system decrease.
Keywords: nonlinear vibration; magnetic force; axial force; Hamilton's principle; Galerkin's method