Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
45, 4, pp. 893-917, Warsaw 2007
and Applied Mechanics
45, 4, pp. 893-917, Warsaw 2007
Experimental study of vibration control of a cable with an attached MR damper
The paper presents experimental investigation of a horizontally suspended cable with an MR damper attached transversally near the support. The algorithm proposed to MR damper control employs the concept of emulation of a viscous damper with an optimal viscous damping coefficient. The algorithm is realized using a velocity feedback with damping force tracking control is applied. Free vibration of the cable with an MR damper operating in passive and controlled modes are investigated. The obtained results indicate that an appropriately controlled MR damper ensures a nearly constant damping level in a wide range of cable vibration amplitudes.
Keywords: cable vibration; magnetorheological (MR) damper; control