and Applied Mechanics
56, 4, pp. 1217-1221, Warsaw 2018
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.56.4.1217
Influence of pulse shaper geometry on wave pulses in SHPB experiments
the split Hopkinson pressure bar experiment are presented. Five pulse shapers, i.e. square,
ring, cross, star and disk ones have been analysed. It has been assumed that the disc pulse
shaper is the reference geometry to assess the remaining types of pulse shapers. The results
of numerical analyses have shown that pulse shapers with shapes different than disk are hi-
ghly capable of minimizing high-frequency Pochhammer-Chree oscillations and, thus, reduce
dispersion of waves propagating in the bar. The greatest damping ability has been observed
while using the ring pulse shaper at both low and high impact velocities of the striker.
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