and Applied Mechanics
56, 3, pp. 841-855, Warsaw 2018
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.56.3.841
Low-frequency pressure fluctuation damper based on hydropneumatic spring with constant stiffness
hazardous and difficult to eliminate are pressure fluctuations in the range up to 50Hz,
resulting in the generation of infrasounds by machines equipped with a hydrostatic drive.
The best protection against the harmful effect of ultrasounds is to suppress them at the
very source, i.e. to eliminate the causes of the generation of this noise. This paper presents
a concept of reducing pressure fluctuation in the range of low excitation frequencies by
means of a low-frequency damper of special design. The basis for designing pressure fluctuation
dampers effective in reducing pressure fluctuation amplitudes in the range of low
frequencies (< 50Hz), which also function as acoustic filters of the generated infrasounds,
is provided. The effectiveness of the low-frequency damper in reducing pressure fluctuation
amplitudes has been experimentally tested. The damper was found to be most effective when
its eigenfrequency coincided with the excitation frequency to be reduced.
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