Table of Contents
1. Simulation of the friction factor in a yield-stress slurry flow which exhibits turbulence damping near the pipe wall | |
Artur Bartosik | 283-300 |
2. Measurement of flow rate in square-sectioned duct bend | |
Kazimierz Rup, Łukasz Malinowski, Piotr Sarna | 301-311 |
3. Experimental characterization of hybrid noise control systems acting in acoustic duct | |
Barbara Tiseo, Antonio Concilio, Salvatore Ameduri, Antonio Gianvito | 313-326 |
4. Multiobjective optimization of the semi-open impeller in a centrifugal pump by a multilevel method | |
Adam Papierski, Andrzej Błaszczyk | 327-341 |
5. Modal analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems with repeated frequencies – analytical approach | |
Rafał Palej, Artur Krowiak | 343-354 |
6. Spline description of non-typical gears for belt transmissions | |
Piotr Krawiec, Adam Marlewski | 355-367 |
7. "PIES" in problems of 2D elasticity with body forces on polygonal domains | |
Agnieszka Bołtuć, Eugeniusz Zieniuk | 369-384 |
8. Non-stationary heat transfer in a hollow cylinder with functionally graded material properties | |
Piotr Ostrowski, Bohdan Michalak | 385-397 |
9. Damage detection in beams using wavelet transform on higher vibration modes | |
Magdalena Rucka | 399-417 |
10. Sensitivity analysis of an identification method dedicated to nonlinear systems working under operational loads | |
Joanna Iwaniec | 419-438 |
11. Mathematical modelling of a rectangular sandwich plate with a metal foam core | |
Ewa Magnucka-Blandzi | 439-455 |
12. On the dynamic coefficient of load generating an expanding spherical stress wave in elastic medium | |
Edward Włodarczyk, Mariusz Zielenkiewicz | 457-475 |
13. Investigations of aerodynamics of Tesla bladeless microturbines | |
Piotr Lampart, Łukasz Jędrzejewski | 477-499 |
14. Self-similar flow of a non-ideal gas with increasing energy behind a magnetogasdynamic shock wave under a gravitational field | |
Kaushal K. Singh, Bineeta Nath | 501-513 |
15. A nonlinear model for the elastoplastic analysis of 2D frames accounting for damage | |
Antolín Lorenzana, Pablo M. López-Reyes, Edwin Chica, José M.G. Terán, Mariano Cacho | 515-529 |
16. Modelling of carbon nanotubes behaviour with the use of a thin shell theory | |
Aleksander Muc | 531-540 |
17. An experimental analysis of the flow structure in various configurations of a circular-planar SOFC fuel channel | |
Remigiusz Nowak, Janusz S. Szmyd | 541-564 |