Table of Contents
1. Modeling of strain localization in quasi-brittle materials with a coupled elasto-plastic-damage model | |
Jerzy Bobiński, Jacek Tejchman | 767-782 |
2. On the modelling and optimization of functionally graded laminates | |
Jowita Rychlewska | 783-795 |
3. Numerical complexity of selected biomechanical problems | |
Marcin Wierszycki, Witold Kąkol, Tomasz Łodygowski | 797-818 |
4. Interaction of point defects in piezoelectric materials – numerical simulation in the context of electric fatigue | |
Oliver Goy, Ralf Mueller, Dietmar Gross | 819-836 |
5. Plastic interfacial slip of periodic systems of rigid thin inclusions undergoing longitudinal shear | |
Vasyl A. Kryven, Georgiy T. Sulym, Myrosłava I. Yavorska | 837-848 |
6. Limitations in application of Finite Element Method in acoustic numerical simulation | |
Tomasz Łodygowski, Wojciech Sumelka | 849-865 |
7. Influence of additional mass rings on frequencies of axi-symmetrical vibrations of clamped circular plates of linearly variable thickness | |
Jerzy Jaroszewicz, Longin Zoryj, Andrzej Katunin | 867-880 |
8. Tiltrotor modelling for simulation in various flight conditions | |
Marek Miller, Janusz Narkiewicz | 881-906 |
9. Vibrations and stability of columns loaded by four-side surfaces of circular cylinders | |
Lech Tomski, Iwona Podgórska-Brzdękiewicz | 907-927 |
10. Dynamics and control of rotary cranes executing a load prescribed motion | |
Wojciech Blajer, Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk | 929-948 |
11. Torsional vibrations of discrete-continuous systems with local nonlinearity having hard type characteristics | |
Amalia Pielorz, Monika Skóra | 949-962 |