Table of Contents
1. On modelling of periodic plates with inhomogeneity period of an order of the plate thickness | |
Eugeniusz Baron | 3-18 |
3. Practical aspects of identification of the aerodynamic characteristics | |
Jacek A. Goszczyński | 31-50 |
4. The clamped joints – a survey and analysis of shapes and materials | |
Janusz Juraszek | 51-73 |
5. Interactive buckling in thin-walled beam-columns with widthwise varying orthotropy | |
Tomasz Kubiak | 75-90 |
6. Identification of beam boundary conditions in ill-posed problem | |
Leszek Majkut | 91-105 |
7. Algebra of systems of forces applied to the flat material line | |
Stefan Piechnik | 107-125 |
8. Influence of notch (tip) radius on fatigue crack growth rate | |
Dariusz Rozumek, Ewald Macha, Paolo Lazzarin, Giovanni Meneghetti | 127-137 |
9. Gears and graphs | |
Józef Wojnarowski, Jerzy Kopeć, Stanisław Zawiślak | 139-162 |
10. Piecewise linear $ {\rm luz}(\ldots)$ and $ {\rm tar}(\ldots)$ projections. Part 1 – Theoretical background | |
Dariusz Żardecki | 163-184 |
11. Piecewise linear $ \luz(\ldots)$ and $ \tar(\ldots)$ projections. Part 2 – Application in modelling of dynamic systems with freeplay and frictio | |
Dariusz Żardecki | 185-202 |