Table of Contents
1. Genetic algorithms in fatigue crack detection | |
Marek Krawczuk, Arkadiusz Żak, Wiesław Ostachowicz | 815-823 |
2. Fatigue crack growth peculiarities and modifications of the Wheeler retardation model (Part 1) | |
Sylwester Kłysz | 825-842 |
3. Fatigue crack growth peculiarities and modifications of the Wheeler retardation model (Part 2) | |
Sylwester Kłysz | 843-859 |
4. Synchronisation effects and chaos in the van der Pol-Mathieu oscillator | |
Jerzy Warmiński | 861-884 |
5. Coherent structures and transport of temperature variance and oscillatory heat fluxes in a stimulated round jet | |
Stanisław Drobniak, Roman Klajny, Piotr Pełka | 885-908 |
6. Numerical simulation of solidification of a casting taking into account fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. The axisymmetrical problem | |
Ryszard Parkitny, Leszek Sowa | 909-921 |
7. Determination of permeability and tortuosity of permeable media by ultrasonic method. Studies for sintered bronze | |
Jan Kochański, Mariusz Kaczmarek, Józef Kubik | 923-928 |
8. Admixture diffusion in a two-phase random nonhomogeneous stratified layer | |
Yevgen Chaplia, Olha Chernukha | 929-946 |
9. Analysis of dynamic behaviour of wavy-plates with a mezo-periodic structure | |
Bohdan Michalak | 947-958 |
10. Micropolar plates subject to a normal polyharmonic loading | |
Grzegorz Jemielita | 959-968 |
11. Stability and load-carrying capacity of thin-walled orthotropic poles of regular polygonal cross-section subject to combined load | |
Marian Królak, Tomasz Kubiak, Zbigniew Kołakowski | 969-988 |
12. Gearbox dynamic modelling | |
Walter Bartelmus | 989-999 |
13. Torsional vibration of a sandwich shaft with damping interlayer | |
Katarzyna Cabańska-Płaczkiewicz, Nataliya Pankratova | 1001-1017 |