Table of Contents
1. Dynamic model of beam-piezoceramic actuator coupling for active vibration control | |
Marek Pietrzakowski | 3-20 |
2. Geometrically nonlinear models of elastic and elastic-plastic beams | |
Anna Sławianowska | 21-42 |
3. Estimation of residual stresses in metal surface layers after the roller burnishing process | |
Wiktor Gambin | 43-55 |
4. Weight functions of the stress intensity factors K_1, K_2 and K_3 for a single radial crack emanating from a semi-circular side notch | |
Krzysztof L. Molski | 57-70 |
5. Time-dependent strength of optical fibers | |
Jan Banaszek | 71-81 |
6. Stochastic homogenization of the first gradient-strain modelling of elasticity | |
Barbara Gambin | 83-93 |
7. Propagation of plane waves in stratified fluid-saturated porous solids | |
Stanislaw J. Matysiak, Yurii A. Pyryev | 95-108 |
8. A generalization of the internal variable model for dynamics of solids with periodic microstructure | |
Czesław Woźniak, Małgorzata Woźniak | 109-122 |
9. The effect of convective cooling on the solution to thermoelastic contact problems with the friction heat generation | |
Aleksander Yevtushenko, Roman Kultchytsky-Zhyhailo | 123-135 |
10. Aircraft stability analysis for strongly coupled aerodynamic configuration | |
Zdobysław Goraj, Piotr Kulicki, Maciej Lasek | 137-158 |
11. The effect of shallow water on the manoeverability of ship | |
Zygmunt Kitowski | 159-170 |