Table of Contents
1. On the micro-dynamics of composite materials | |
Grzegorz Mielczarek, Czesław Woźniak | 731-748 |
2. Length-scale effects in wave propagation and stability of elastic composites under finite deformations | |
Ewaryst Wierzbicki | 749-769 |
3. On three-dimensional problems of multilayered periodic elastic composites | |
Roman Kulczycki-Żygajło, Stanisław J. Matysiak | 771-781 |
4. Bellmas's equation of optimization with the periodic control | |
Zbigniew Piekarski | 783-791 |
5. Analysis of the stochastic velocity field by proper orthogonal decomposition | |
Jacek Szumbarski, Paweł Wald | 793-807 |
6. Torsional vibration control by active piezoelectric system | |
Piotr M. Przybyłowicz | 809-823 |
7. On the design of interferenced and clamped joints under general state of stress | |
Jerzy Osiński, Andrzej Sztwiertnia | 825-842 |
8. Classical panel methods – a routine tool for aerodynamic calculations of complex aircraft configurations: from concepts to codes | |
Zdobysław Goraj, Józef Pietrucha | 843-878 |
9. On certain methods of considering dry friction in dynamic analysis of planar open kinematic chains | |
Andrzej Harlecki | 879-897 |
10. Simulation of the anti-aircraft, long-range missile guidance | |
Józef Gacek, Bogdan Machowski | 899-908 |
11. Calculation of the wing aerodynamic characteristics with ground effect using panel methods | |
Janusz Sznajder, Zdobysław Goraj | 909-919 |