Table of Contents
1. Strength analysis of multi-rope winding machine drum drive | |
Stefan Bućko | 23-34 |
2. Parametric optimization of viscoplastic bars under dynamic twisting loading | |
Edward Cegielski | 35-44 |
3. Limit analysis due to failure process in creep conditions | |
Marcin Chrzanowski, Piotr Latus | 45-54 |
4. Identification of parameters for dynamic models of tower structures with additional loads | |
Roman Ciesielski, Janusz Kawecki | 55-64 |
5. Nonhomogenous, circular thick-walled fully plasticized at failure cylinders under nonuniformly distributed pressure | |
Anna Dollar, Zdzisława Kordas | 65-74 |
6. Multimodal optimal design of structural elements (a survey) | |
Antoni Gajewski | 75-92 |
7. Effect of geometrical parameters on load distribution in double row ball slewing ring | |
Teresa Gibczyńska, Adam Marciniec | 93-99 |
8. Shakedown analysis in the case ot imposed displacement | |
Jan A. König, Sławomir Pycko | 101-108 |
9. Optimal design of helical springs (a survey) | |
Jacek Krużelecki | 109-114 |
10. Invariant formulation of a distortional nodel of plastic hardening | |
Tadeusz Kurtyka | 115-131 |
11. Some results of testing of mechanical properties and polyamide modification | |
Stanisław Mazurkiewicz | 133-140 |
12. Creep buckling of steel columns in fire temperatures | |
Janusz Murzewski | 141-148 |
13. Free vibration of the discrete-continuous system with damping | |
Józef Nizioł, Jacek Snamina | 149-160 |
14. Residual stress analysis in railroad car wheels working in service conditions | |
Janusz Orkisz | 161-169 |
15. Thermal effects in adiabatic shear band localization failure | |
Piotr Perzyna | 171-197 |
16. Stress-assisted corrosion of reinforced concrete | |
Stefan Piechnik, Adam Zaborski | 199-206 |
17. Transient and steady vibration of helical gears | |
Jan Ryś | 207-216 |
18. Toroidal shell structures – governing equations and computerized analysis of curved tubes, elbows and bellows (a survey) | |
Jacek Skrzypek | 217-242 |
19. Decohesive carrying capacity in perfect amd asymptotically perfect plasticity (a survey) | |
Krzysztof Szuwalski | 243-254 |
20. Some basic problems of the finite elements analysis of elastoplastic structures (a survey) | |
Zenon Waszczyszyn | 255-275 |
21. Creep-like crack propagation in fiber reinforced composites due to damage accumulation proccss | |
Michael P. Wnuk | 277-287 |
22. On the constituve modelling of elastic-plastic micro-periodic materials | |
Czesław Wożniak, Monika Wągrowska | 289-298 |