Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
49, 1, pp. 175-186, Warsaw 2011
and Applied Mechanics
49, 1, pp. 175-186, Warsaw 2011
Pilot subjective decisions in aircraft active control system
The aircraft conventional control systems including pilot-operators in loop are called as active endogenous systems, because the pilots react actively to real situations evaluated by them and their solutions origin from their minds, from the nervous system. The pilots must make decisions in situations characterised by lack of information, human robust behaviour and their individual capabilities. So, decisions born from reactions of pilot are an effect of subjective analysis.
This paper investigates the aircraft landing. The subjective factor is the ratio of required and available time to decision on the go around. The decision depends on the available information and psycho-physiological condition of operator pilots and can be determined with the use of theory of statistical hypotheses. This paper introduces a modified Lorenz attractor for the modelling of the endogenous dynamics of the given active system.
This paper investigates the aircraft landing. The subjective factor is the ratio of required and available time to decision on the go around. The decision depends on the available information and psycho-physiological condition of operator pilots and can be determined with the use of theory of statistical hypotheses. This paper introduces a modified Lorenz attractor for the modelling of the endogenous dynamics of the given active system.
Keywords: active control system; endogenous system; subjective analysis