Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

49, 1, pp. 17-29, Warsaw 2011

BEM and Shear lag method for interface problem of bi-material structure under static loading

Varbinka Valeva, Jordanka Ivanova, Barbara Gambin
The behaviour of the interface of a pre-cracked bi-material ceramic-metal structure under static axial loading is an object of interest in the present paper. To solve the problem for interface delamination of the structure and to determine the debond length along the interface, a 2D BEM code was created and applied. The interface plate is assumed as a very thin plate comparing with the others two. The parametric (geometric and elastic) analysis of the debond length and interface shear stress is done. First, the obtained numerical results are compared with analytical ones from 1D Shear lag analysis of the considered structure. The respective comparison is illustrated in figures and shows a good agreement. The comparison between the calculated using 2D BEM code elastic-brittle debond lengths with Song's experimental data for the bi-material structure Zinc/Steel as well as with respective results from FEM simulation shows good coincidence.
Keywords: BEM; Shear lag analysis; bi-material structure; debond length