Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
47, 3, pp. 685-699, Warsaw 2009
and Applied Mechanics
47, 3, pp. 685-699, Warsaw 2009
Optimal design of sandwich panels with a soft core
The main issue taken up in the paper is to find optimal designs of multi-span sandwich panels with slightly profiled steel facings and polyurethane foam core (PUR), which would satisfy conflicting demands of the market, i.e. minimal variance in types of panels, maximum range of application and minimum cost. The aim is to find dimensional and material parameters of panels which generate minimum cost and maximum length of span under prescribed loads in ultimate and serviceability limit states. The multi-criterion optimization problem is formulated in such a way, where the length of the span plays two roles, namely a design variable and a component of a vector objective function. An evolutionary algorithm is used. Numerous inequality constraints are introduced in two ways: directly and by external penalty functions.
Keywords: sandwich panels; soft core; Pareto optimization; soft computing; genetic algorithm