Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
44, 4, pp. 767-782, Warsaw 2006
and Applied Mechanics
44, 4, pp. 767-782, Warsaw 2006
Modeling of strain localization in quasi-brittle materials with a coupled elasto-plastic-damage model
The paper presents results of numerical simulations of strain localization in quasi-brittle materials (like concrete) under plane strain conditions. To model the material behaviour, an isotropic elasto-plastic-damage model combining elasto-plasticity and scalar damage was used. An elasto-plastic constitutive law using a Drucker-Prager yield surface (in compression) and Rankine yield surface (in tension) was defined. A modified failure criterion by Rankine for the equivalent strain using an exponential evolution law was assumed within damage mechanics. To obtain mesh-independent results of strain localization, the model was enhanced by non-local terms in the softening regime. A four-point bending test of a concrete beam with a single notch was numerically simulated using the finite element method. FE-results were compared with laboratory experiments.
Keywords: damage mechanics; elasto-plasticity; non-local theory; strain localization