Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
44, 3, pp. 667-689, Warsaw 2006
and Applied Mechanics
44, 3, pp. 667-689, Warsaw 2006
Modelling creep, ratchetting and failure in structural components subjected to thermo-mechanical loading
Experiments have been described in which copper components have been subjected to combined cyclic thermal and constant mechanical loading. Two thermal cycles were employed leading to predominantly cyclic plasticity damage and balanced creep – cyclic plasticity damage loading cycles. The combined loading led to component ratchetting and ultimately to failure. Continuum damage-based finite element techniques have been developed for combined cyclic plasticity, creep and ratchetting in components subjected to thermo-mechanical loading. Cycle jumping techniques have been employed within the finite element formulation to minimise computer CPU times. The finite element methods have been used to predict the behaviour of the copper components tested experimentally and the results compared. Steady-state ratchet rates were found to be well predicted by the models. Modes of failure and component lifetimes were also found to be reasonably well predicted. The experimental results demonstrate the importance of isotropic cyclic hardening on the initial component ratchetting rates.
Keywords: creep damage; cyclic plasticity damage; thermo-mechanical loading; FE modelling; thermo-mechanical testing