Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

43, 2, pp. 385-403, Warsaw 2005

Dynamic stability of three-layered annular plate under lateral time-dependent load

Dorota Pawlus
This paper presents solutions to the problem of behaviour of three-layered annular plates loaded by compressive stress quickly increasing in time acting on the inner plate edge. The finite difference method and finite element method have been used for solving the problem. An axially-symmetrical form of loss of dynamic stability of the plate with clamped inner and outer edges and with a symmetrical transverse structure of layers composed of thin facings and a thicker foam core has been analysed. Using the finite difference method, the basic system of differential equations enabling numerical calculation of plate deflections was formulated. In the finite element method the computational model of an annular sector of the plate fulfilling conditions of the sandwich plate with a soft core has been built. The results of dynamic numerical calculations have been presented in the form of time histories of plate maximum deflection and velocity of deflection. Calculation results of examplary plates differing in thickness and stiffness of the foam core enable qualitative observations of the critical and supercritical plate behaviours with the quantitative evaluation of values of critical parameters: time, deflection and load determined using the criterion presented by Volmir (1972).
Keywords: sandwich; annular plate; dynamic stability; increasing load; finite difference method; FEM