Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

42, 2, pp. 253-268, Warsaw 2004

Numerical investigation of a new type of artificial lumbar disc

Paweł Borkowski, Krzysztof Kędzior, Grzegorz Krzesiński, Konstanty R. Skalski, Paweł Wymysłowski, Tomasz Zagrajek
The replacement of a damaged lumbar disc by an artificial organ is still not satisfactorily solved problem of surgery. In the study, the finite element method together with CAD programs and experimental validation was used in investigations of a new type of artificial disc for lumbar spine. The presented 3D parametrical FE models take into account nonhomogenous properties of tissues, contact with friction between the parts of the analysed systems, large strains and large displacements. The stress analyses were performed for the prostheses being in clinical use and for some new designs. The conclusions concern most important determinants of the mechanical quality of the intervertebral disc prosthesis.
Keywords: spine biomechanics; implants; FEM; disc prosthesis