Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
42, 1, pp. 107-124, Warsaw 2004
and Applied Mechanics
42, 1, pp. 107-124, Warsaw 2004
Plane contact problems with partial slip for rough half-space
Plane contact problems with the partial slip in the contact area are considered in the paper. To make the problems more realistic, the deformation of roughness of the contacting boundary is involved. The Shtayerman model of roughness is generalized on the case of tangential problems. The problems are treated by the boundary integral method. Examples of the contact of a flat rigid punch and a rigid cylinder with an elastic half-space involving boundary imperfections are studied. The effects of roughness parameters on the distribution of normal and shearing tractions as well as on the stick-slip transition are investigated.
Keywords: Cattaneo-Mindlin problem; boundary roughness; integral equation