Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
41, 1, pp. 137-154, Warsaw 2003
and Applied Mechanics
41, 1, pp. 137-154, Warsaw 2003
Local and global instability and vibration of overbraced Euler's column
The theoretical and experimental research on the stability and free vibration of a geometrically non-linear Euler's column is presented in the paper. The influence of the asymmetry of the flexural stiffness distribution of the rod in an individual column on the value of the critical force and existence of local and global instability regions is determined. The column consists of three planar members. Two outside members have the same flexural stiffness while the third central one has different flexural stiffness. The members are jointed in such a way that their deflection at the joint points equals zero and the deflection angles are identical.
Keywords: elastic column; divergence instability; natural frequency