Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
37, 1, pp. 65-79, Warsaw 1999
and Applied Mechanics
37, 1, pp. 65-79, Warsaw 1999
Antiplane deformation of isotropic body with a periodic system of thin rectilinear inclusions
A new model of thin elastic rectilinear inclusion has been constructed. An approach to the stress-strain state analysis in an isotropic plane reinforced by a periodic system of thin elastic inclusions has been suggested. The formulae for determination of the effective modulus of composite material and stress intensity factors at the inclusion tip depending on volumetric contents of the reinforcing elements and their elastic characteristics have been obtained. Numerical analysis of the problem for various geometrical and mechanical parameters of the composite has been presented. The effect of the ratio between inclusion and matrix elastic moduli on the values of stress intensity factors has been studied as well.
Keywords: elastic inclusion; stress intensity factor; antiplane deformation