Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
30, 1, pp. 155-175, Warsaw 1992
and Applied Mechanics
30, 1, pp. 155-175, Warsaw 1992
Flexural-torsional vibrations of a multi-speed gear transmission
An analysis of investigation results of work stability of a dynamic system consisting of machine tool – holder – cutting tool – workpiece shown that internal couplings between vibrations of a drive and vibrations of a frame system were an important reason for self-excited vibrations arising. This statement indicated a necessity for developing the model of flexural-torsional vibrations for drives containing gear transmissions using the same method as in the case of frame systems. This is a Rigid Finite Elements Method (RFEM) which meets this requirement. When the model of flexural-torsional vibrations was being worked out many simplifications were introduced, and their correctness had to be experimentally confirmed. Physical and mathematical models of flexural-torsional vibrations were worked out for a specially designed and built gearbox, and dynamic characteristics were calculated on the basis of it. The experimental investigation was carried out for this gearbox. The characteristics obtained experimentally were compared with the computed ones. A good agreement between the model of flexural-torsional vibrations and the real system was achieved. Correctness of accepted simplifications was proved in this way.