Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
29, 3-4, pp. 605-620, Warsaw 1991
and Applied Mechanics
29, 3-4, pp. 605-620, Warsaw 1991
Obliczanie płaskiego połączenia zaciskowego z uwzględnieniem podatności kontaktowej
Both physical and mathematical models together with the computer program for the analysis of the plane clamped joint under longitudinal force are presented in the paper. The elastic deformations of the joint members together with the elasto-plastic tangential flexibility of the contact interface (being the effect of discrete nature of the real surfaces) have been included in the model. The Coulomb's friction force has been taken into consideration as applied not only in the slide region but also outside it. The equations describing force and longitudinal displacements distribution along the joint members together with the contact tangential stress distribution along the contact interface have been obtained. Some computational examples are presented.