Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
23, 1, pp. 153-162, Warsaw 1985
and Applied Mechanics
23, 1, pp. 153-162, Warsaw 1985
Wpływ oscylacji na konwekcyjne przekazywanie ciepła w zastosowaniu do zbiorników okrętowych
The effect of liquid oscillations on the heat transfer to a vertical wall of a tank is considered. The liquid flow along the wall which has been assumed results from rotational, harmonic oscillations of the tank. The influence of these oscillations on the time-averaged quantities i.e. velocity and temperature fields, describing heat transfer is determined. To obtain these quantities a mathematical model based oil conservation equations is developed. Solutions for the laminar boundary layer and for small perturbations of the temperature field have been sought. Theoretical results have been compared with experimental ones and there has been obtained satisfactory agreement. This method may be useful for thermal calculations of ship tanks.