Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

20, 3-4, pp. 339-359, Warsaw 1982

Zastosowanie półbezmomentowej teorii powłok w obliczeniach statycznych ortotropowych liniowo-sprężystych prętów cienkościennych pryzmatycznych o przekroju wieloobwodowym zamkniętym

Zenon Górecki

In the paper a method of computation of stresses tmd displacements for ortotropic linear-elastic thin-walled prismatic bars with multicircuit section consisted of polygon with arbitrary form is presented. The assumption of semi-momentless theory of shells is based on V. Z. Vlasov a shell theory. The theory is developed and adopted for computation on a digital computer. The described method is applied in static computation for julls of unbulkhead ships. Examples of numerical computations for bars with different cross-sections and different boundary conditions conclude the paper.