Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

15, 3, pp. 375-385, Warsaw 1977

Optymalne kształtowanie pręta ściskanego przy dużych ugięciach metodą programowania dynamicznego

Jan Błachut
In this paper the method of determining the optimal ratio of the rigidities of two parts of the rod is presented. The rectangular cross-section is discussed. The flat-tapered rod compressed by a constant axial force or by an axial force and own weight at a fixed volume was considered. The aims of this paper are to minimize the displacement of the free end (in the first case) or to minimize the angle of deflection at that point (in the second case). The post-buckling equilibrium state has been found by minimizing the potential energy by means of the dynamic programming, Bellman's functional equation being used. The optimal mass diatribution is obtained by analyzing the deflection lines.