Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

14, 3, pp. 371-381, Warsaw 1976

Nieliniowe drgania elastycznie posadowionych silników tłokowych przy szerokopasmowych wymuszeniach stochastycznych

Janusz Kolenda
The paper deals with one-frequency vibrations of elastically mounted multi-cylinder piston engines of six degrees of freedom subjected to random excitations being wide-band non-corclatcd stochastic processes with expected values equal to zero. Rotating speed of an engine is treated as a variable. The Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation for the three-dimensional probability density of a vibration amplitude, phase angle and rotating speed is formulated. The solution for the two-dimensional stationary probability density of a vibration amplitude and phase angle as well as the condition of technical stability of the analysed system are given.