Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
14, 2, pp. 283-302, Warsaw 1976
and Applied Mechanics
14, 2, pp. 283-302, Warsaw 1976
Optymalne kształtowanie nierównomiernie nagrzanych tarcz wirujących z uwagi na nośność sprężystą i graniczną
Paper describes the design of rotating discs using the condition of uniform strength (in elastic range) or condition of full yielding (in plastic range). Plane, axially symmetric stress and temperature distribution, Burzynski-Stassi d'Alia parabolic yield condition were assumed; the material constants may depend on the coordinate and temperature (natural and forced non-homogeneity). Design in plastic range had one more free design variable and was based on classical variational calculus. It was shown, by using an Odra 1204 computer, that plastic range design produces more optimal discs (of less volume) but there is a very small gain with respect to the elastic design except in the case of a full disc. Uniform strength condition in the broader sense was assumed and the correctness of the narrower sense condition was discussed. It was proved that free end assumption produces an infinitely large thickness of disc. To get rid of this phenomenon the reinforcement of the disc with the ring (carrying the radial force) was discussed. The thermofrettage problem i.e. the problem of the optimum design of temperature distribution was described and discussed as well.