Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

13, 3, pp. 433-456, Warsaw 1975

Wyznaczanie kinematyki procesów deformacji metodą stereofotograficzno-rzutową

Tadeusz Bednarski
The streophotogrammetric method of measuring the displacements based on the projective transformations has been presented in this paper. These transformations are used for the photogrammetric elaboration of the stereoscopic photographs of the processes. It makes possible to measure the displacements by stereoscopic photographing or filming the processes without the knowledge of orientation elements of the stereophoto-frames. This method has been presented in algorithmic form suitable for computer programming. The example of application of this method for calculation the kinematic elements during the plastic deformation process in a circular membrane has been presented. Additional knowledge of pressure corresponding to the actual kinematic state has allowed for*the determination of the stress field. The knowledge of the stress and strain fields enables the determination of constitutive equations in two-dimensional state of stress. The results obtained are presented graphically.