Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
11, 4, pp. 443-453, Warsaw 1973
and Applied Mechanics
11, 4, pp. 443-453, Warsaw 1973
Przybliżona metoda rozwiązywania płaskich niesamopodobnych fal uderzeniowych w doskonałym przewodniku w polu magnetycznym
The paper presents a solution to the problem of propagation of a plane, non-selfexited impact wave moving in a perfectly conducting halfspace subject to a magnetic field directed parallel to its surface. The waves are excited by a mechanical pressure applied instantaneously to the surface of the halfspace; at the instant t=r_0 it is constant in time and then monotonically decreases to zero. Electromagnetic waves are radiated into the vacuum over the halfspace. A closed-form solution of the simplified problem is found. The simplification consisted in a sectionally linear approximation of the constitutive equation supplemented with magnetic field terms. In author's opinion, the problem has not been considered in literature thus far.