Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

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Study of the anti-plane problem of a dugdale-barenblatt crack in a welded strip using the integral equation method

Amine Brick Chaouche, Hicheme Ferdjani, Nacer Tala-Ighil
The elasto-static anti-plane problem of a Dugdale-Barenblatt crack in a welded infinite strip is formulated in terms of a singular integral equation (SIE). The weld joint is modeled as a tri-material structure: the weld metal (WM), the base metal (BM) and the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The HAZ is modeled with an exponentially variable shear modulus. The SIE is solved using Tchebychev polynomials. The influence of the elastic mismatching (the ratio between the shear modulus of WM and BM) and the HAZ width on the fracture load and on the crack propagation is investigated.
Keywords: Crack; Dugdale-Barenblatt model; Singular Integral Equation; Infinite strip; Weld joint


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