Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
55, 3, pp. 911-922, Warsaw 2017
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.3.911
and Applied Mechanics
55, 3, pp. 911-922, Warsaw 2017
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.3.911
Thermal modelling, simulation and experimental validation of heat accumulation in a framed glass cabin
The present work concerns prediction of the amount of heat accumulation within the interior
of a framed glass cabin and proposes some remedial measures to reduce temperature in the
cabin. Various configurations such as double layer glass box filled with static air, static argon
gas and flowing argon gas within the space between the two glass-layers are considered to
conduct the experiments. Multi-physics bond graph models for these configurations are
developed considering thermo-fluidic aspects. The experimental results are compared with
the simulations using bond graph models. Though, direct application to a vehicle is not
made, without loss of generality, the modelling and experimental procedure can be extended
to analyze the heat accumulation inside a vehicle cabin when the vehicle is parked under
direct sunlight.
of a framed glass cabin and proposes some remedial measures to reduce temperature in the
cabin. Various configurations such as double layer glass box filled with static air, static argon
gas and flowing argon gas within the space between the two glass-layers are considered to
conduct the experiments. Multi-physics bond graph models for these configurations are
developed considering thermo-fluidic aspects. The experimental results are compared with
the simulations using bond graph models. Though, direct application to a vehicle is not
made, without loss of generality, the modelling and experimental procedure can be extended
to analyze the heat accumulation inside a vehicle cabin when the vehicle is parked under
direct sunlight.
Keywords: car cabin, experimental thermal analysis, bond graph modelling, double layer glass window