Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

55, 2, pp. 447-459, Warsaw 2017
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.2.447

An automated CAD/CAE integration system for the parametric design of aircraft wing structures

Abdelkader Benaouali, Stanislaw Kachel
In order to take advantage of the sophisticated features offered by CAD and CAE packages
for modeling and analysis during the design process, it is essential to build a bridge assuring
a coherent link between these tools. Furthermore, this integration procedure must be
automated so as to get rid of the repetitive costing effort. In this paper, a new automated procedure
for the CAD/CAE integration, implemented for the parametric design and structural
analysis of aircraft wing structures is presented. This procedure is based on the automation
capacity available in modern computer aided tools via build-in basic programming languages
as well as the capacity of the model data exchange. The geometric and numerical models
can be controlled to generate a large variety of possible design cases through parameters
introduced beforehand.
Keywords: CAD/CAE integration, design automation, aircraft wing, parametric design