Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
54, 3, pp. 859-870, Warsaw 2016
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.54.3.859
and Applied Mechanics
54, 3, pp. 859-870, Warsaw 2016
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.54.3.859
An approach for free vibration analysis of axially graded beams
In this study, the solution to the free vibration problem of axially graded beams with a non-uniform cross-section has been presented. The proposed approach relies on replacing functions characterizing functionally graded beams by piecewise exponential functions. The frequency equation has been derived for axially graded beams divided into an arbitrary number of subintervals. Numerical examples show the influence of the parameters of the functionally graded beams on the free vibration frequencies for different boundary conditions.
Keywords: axially graded beam, non-uniform beam, free vibration