Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
5, 2, pp. 215-258, Warsaw 1967
and Applied Mechanics
5, 2, pp. 215-258, Warsaw 1967
Mechanika ośrodków ciągłych typu Cosseratów
W większości zagadnień mechaniki ośrodków ciągłych zakłada się, że każdy punkt materialny ośrodka posiada trzy stopnie swobody oraz że gęstość energii wewnętrznej zależy tylko od pierwszych pochodnych wektora przemieszczenia. Stan naprężenia jest wówczas jednoznacznie określony symetrycznym tensorem naprężenia. Ośrodek ciągły, w którym nie jest spełnione co najmniej jedno z powyższych założeń, nazwijmy ośrodkiem typu Cosseratów. Praca zawiera przegląd zagadnień dotyczących mechaniki ośrodków tego typu. Omówiono w niej szczegółowo dwa podstawowe kierunki rozwojowe. Pierwszy z nich polega na uogólnieniu kinematyki ciała (punkt materialny ma więcej niż trzy stopnie swobody). Drugi kierunek postuluje występowanie wyższych gradientów przemieszczenia w wyrażeniu dla gęstości energii wewnętrznej.
With regard to the problems concerning mechanics of continuous media, it is assumed, on the whole, that any material point of the medium is characterized by three freedom degrees and that the density of internal energy depends on first derivatives of displacement vector and not on the higher ones. With such assumptions the state of stress is defined uniquely by the symmetric stress tensor. The elastic continuous medium in which at least one of the mentioned conditions does not exist is called the continuous medium of Cosserat type. The paper gives the survey of problems concerning mechanics of media of such a type. Two basic development trends are discussed in a more detailed way. The generalization of medium kinematics (an element of medium is characterized by more than three freedom degrees) is the basis of the first trend, while existence of higher order gradients of displacement in the equation for density of internal energy applies to the second one. Botii approaches lead to nonsymmetry of the stress tensor and to the so-called higher order stresses. The paper deals successively with the following problems: gyroscope Cosserat medium, theory of non-simple materials of second order effect, theory of body with microstructure (in the meaning of additional freedom degrees defined by director field), theory of media with multipolar displacement (additional freedom degrees are defined by two point tensor fields), theory of non-simple materials of higher order effects and so-called construction microstructure. A large bibliography is also included.
With regard to the problems concerning mechanics of continuous media, it is assumed, on the whole, that any material point of the medium is characterized by three freedom degrees and that the density of internal energy depends on first derivatives of displacement vector and not on the higher ones. With such assumptions the state of stress is defined uniquely by the symmetric stress tensor. The elastic continuous medium in which at least one of the mentioned conditions does not exist is called the continuous medium of Cosserat type. The paper gives the survey of problems concerning mechanics of media of such a type. Two basic development trends are discussed in a more detailed way. The generalization of medium kinematics (an element of medium is characterized by more than three freedom degrees) is the basis of the first trend, while existence of higher order gradients of displacement in the equation for density of internal energy applies to the second one. Botii approaches lead to nonsymmetry of the stress tensor and to the so-called higher order stresses. The paper deals successively with the following problems: gyroscope Cosserat medium, theory of non-simple materials of second order effect, theory of body with microstructure (in the meaning of additional freedom degrees defined by director field), theory of media with multipolar displacement (additional freedom degrees are defined by two point tensor fields), theory of non-simple materials of higher order effects and so-called construction microstructure. A large bibliography is also included.