Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
8, 4, pp. 407-425, Warsaw 1970
and Applied Mechanics
8, 4, pp. 407-425, Warsaw 1970
Problemy optymizacyjne w syntezie układów mechanicznych
Wprowadzenie charakterystyk uogólnionych i wykorzystanie ich jako kryteriów optymizacyjnych pozwala na rozszerzenie wpływu wielkości układu na E(Ui) w procesie optymizacyjnym. Zastosowanie λ(Wj,ai) i S(Wj,ai) lub λ[Wj(Xi),ai] i S[Wj(Xi),ai] do określania wartości i funkcji optymizowanych, uogólnia zadania ekstremalizacyjne występujące w syntezie i konstruowaniu. Należy przy tym nadmienić, że wprowadzenie takich charakterystyk do problematyki określania wartości optymalnych wielkości układu w pewnych przypadkach może rozszerzyć aparat matematyczny. Jednak wykorzystanie maszyn matematycznych do rozwiązywania konkretnych technicznych zadań optymizacyjnych pozwoli na złagodzenie tej wady.
The theories of construction of generalized characteristics are described in the paper, and their utilization as optimizing criterions is demonstrated. The object of investigations is assumed to be a mechanical system in a general sense — with respect to geometric, structural and loading properties and physical phenomena occurring in the systems. The relations concerning the technological effect and effort functions are derived. The general effect is defined as the ratio of the technological effect to the effort function. The reciprocal of the general effect is the so-called effort effect. The fundamental optimization equations are derived and general conclusions concerning the forms of generalized characteristics are drawn. An example illustrating the application of generalized characteristics to the optimization of parameters in dynamical problems of mechanical systems is given. Another example of the application of generalized characteristics to the investigation of the purposefullness of the parameter changes concludes the paper.
The theories of construction of generalized characteristics are described in the paper, and their utilization as optimizing criterions is demonstrated. The object of investigations is assumed to be a mechanical system in a general sense — with respect to geometric, structural and loading properties and physical phenomena occurring in the systems. The relations concerning the technological effect and effort functions are derived. The general effect is defined as the ratio of the technological effect to the effort function. The reciprocal of the general effect is the so-called effort effect. The fundamental optimization equations are derived and general conclusions concerning the forms of generalized characteristics are drawn. An example illustrating the application of generalized characteristics to the optimization of parameters in dynamical problems of mechanical systems is given. Another example of the application of generalized characteristics to the investigation of the purposefullness of the parameter changes concludes the paper.